
Qumana? Technorati?

Now what is this?

I'm trying out a little program called QumanaLE, which let's one create blog entries offline. In itself a really useful tool but I'm not too satisfied with this particular one. It's kinda slow working, I haven't been able yet to set templates, and there are some awkward things when it comes to editing what you've typed. It does come, however, with an in-build Technorati tags tag generator.

[edit] I can't say I'm too happy with the result of this program! It creates very bad HTML, and there's no way to edit links once you've created them. If I still have to go to my Blogger page to edit the posting, I might just as well write and post from there immediately. I can't endorse this program, so I removed the link to the website. IMO this is what we call in dutch "broddelwerk".

I just found out about Technorati. It looks like a pretty nifty website. Being able to search for particular tags, which index a blog entry's contents, is yet another way of finding the information you want in the information jungle of the internet. I'll have to remember this tagging. I may have to give it place in my entry template.

Technorati Tags :


Blogger SoS said...

Tris, thanks for your comment. I feel that Qumana is basicly a very good idea but it really still needs a lot of work to make it as simple and intuitive as, say, the Blogger interface.

For my HTML work I've been using AceHTML for years. I haven't tried out if I can use it to upload to my blog but that would make it an even more important tool for me.
In my opinion, Qumana doesn't meet the standards for a proper HTML tool (which, I guess, it never was designed for) but it also lacks as a blogging tool.

I hope to see an improved version soon, though. As I said, it does have potential.

RML - Shards of Reality

6:08 pm  

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