

My favourite website is Rangefinderforum, or RFF. It's a forum dedicated to rangefinder cameras of all ages and brands, and its members are a really gentle and kind bunch of people. None of the backstabbing or bloated egos you can find on some other forums.

Anyway, I've uploaded some of the photos I took in Mongolia and China during my stay there. The gallery can be found here: My October/November 2004 Mongolia gallery on RFF

Everyone is invited to take a look, No need to leave a comment; I'm already pleased if you enjoy my photos. Sort them by image name and you can follow the story; I gave explanations with every photo.

OK. It's late now and I'm having a headache. I'm off to bed....

Page layout and how to insert a picture. (HTML code)

Here's how I want my blog entries to be laid out. Maybe not so clean coding but it works, and that's what I want. :)

Admittance auditions for 6-year olds at the Dance and Music College.
Voigtländer Bessa R
Jupiter-8 50/2
Hema iso400
shutter time & aperture unknown